Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital

We have proudly pledged to Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital’s “Answering the Call” Capital Campaign to renovate and expand the hospital. The renovation and expansion project exemplifies Bon Secours’s commitment to improving access to quality, compassionate health care for residents in the Northern Neck.
The Capital Campaign that we supported is part of a $20 million project encompassing over 35,000 square feet, most notably including a major overhaul of the emergency department. With this renovation, Rappahannock General’s emergency department became the hospital’s main entrance, ensuring that those needing care could quickly connect with help and answers upon entering the facility. The emergency department will be transformed from an eight-bed semi-private unit to a ten-bed unit with private rooms. The new construction included a dining area, the main entrance, and an emergency entrance canopy.
With the original campaign goal of $15 million met one year ahead of schedule, Bon Secours can now focus on additional key priority projects at the hospital. Those projects include the following:
- Renovation and expansion of the Outpatient Infusion Center
- Renovation and updates to the Inpatient Wing and Behavioral Health Unit
- Courtyard Garden
- Updating the entire facility with the modernized design of the Emergency Department expansion
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